What is the semester funding process?
While students only have to apply to the program once a year, they have to process their funding each semester. To process semester funding all of the following steps must be complete:
- Download, complete and submit the NC Reach/ETV student documents:ALL STUDENTS NEED TO SUBMIT –
- Student Participation Form: This form provides detailed information about NC Reach, including the requirements that students complete a budget and communicate regularly with their assigned NC Reach Coordinator.
- Budget: Details student’s personal monthly income and expenses.
- Speak with your assigned Coordinator over the phone to review your budget, class schedule, academic plan and how to identify and access campus resources.
- Submit your official transcript to NC Reach from last semester funded (only required for previously funded, returning students.)
- Make sure that you are fully enrolled in all semester classes and have registered for additional charges, such as dormitory housing or meal plans (if applicable).
- Have all of your financial aid already processed by your school and a Pell Grant amount posted to your student account.
- Be in good academic standing.
How is the funding award amount determined?
NC Reach determines the funding amount awarded to the student after the online application is complete, all semester funding steps are complete, all financial aid information has processed at the student’s school and has been reported to NC Reach, and the student’s budget has been developed and reviewed with their coordinator.
Each student’s funding amount is different and is determined using information from their school’s cost of attendance, amount of financial aid awarded, personal income/stipends, expenses, and amount of NC Reach funds available.
Once funding is determined, an award letter will be drafted and emailed to both the student and their school. The award letter details the amount of funding the student will receive for the semester and the timeline of when to expect it.
How are NC Reach funds disbursed?
- All NC Reach & ETV funds are applied to a student’s school account AFTER all other outside financial aid has processed and posted to his/her account.
- NC Reach funding is never sent directly to students. Funds are disbursed by the North Carolina State Education Assistance Authority (NCSEAA) and sent directly to the college financial aid office
- NC Reach funds are first applied to any outstanding student balance and/or loan amounts taken out for that semester.
- Any available refunds from the NC Reach award are then distributed to students by the school.
- NC Reach semester awards are typically split into two disbursements; one delivered at the beginning of the semester, and one in the middle.
- The first NC Reach disbursement is delivered within 40 business days of the date on the student’s award letter.
How do I get my refund?
Students receive their refunds from their school’s cashiers office. If available, students can set up direct deposit with their school and their refund will be deposited in their bank account when available. Otherwise your school will cut you a refund check to be either mailed to you or picked up in person.
Schools have different refund policies. Some refund students anytime there is an available refund, while others have specific refund dates that you may have to wait for. Please check with your school’s financial aid or cashier’s for details.
NC Reach has no control over the refund process and cannot predict when refund checks are issued by your school.
What can NC Reach funds be used on?
NC Reach funds may be used on educational related expenses, which include:
- Tuition and fees
- On-campus housing
- On-campus meal plans
- Books and school supplies
- Off-campus housing (rent) and associated living expenses
- Transportation to and from school (does not include the purchase of a car!)
- Child care
Can funds be used for housing deposits and application fees first semester?
No. Any application fees or housing deposits are the responsibility of the student. Returning students would have the ability to save some of their semester refund for future housing deposits, but incoming freshman would need to be prepared to pay for initial freshman housing deposit.
Can I receive funds taking developmental courses?
Yes. Although, developmental classes do not earn college credit, they do count towards overall enrollment credit totals and can receive financial aid and NC Reach.
How many classes do I have to take for funding?
Students must be enrolled in a minimum of (6) six credits to receive NC Reach.
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