What is the NC Reach Program?
NC Reach is a state-funded scholarship offered to qualified applicants for up to 4 years of undergraduate study at NC public universities and community colleges. Available funding is awarded to students, after all other financial aid, public funds and scholarships have been processed and applied to their account. NC Reach provides comprehensive student support to help all students be able to navigate their post-secondary education.
Which schools can students attend to receive NC Reach?
Students attending any of the 74 NC public community colleges or 16 NC public universities are eligible to apply for NC Reach.
Private colleges and universities, as well as all out of state colleges and universities, are NOT eligible to receive NC Reach funds.
For a complete guide to NC state colleges and universities, click HERE.
What other benefits do NC Reach students receive?
NC Reach students receive the following benefits:
- Lack of debt! Funding covers the tuition and fees at their school so there is no need for any student loans.
- Students are matched with an NC Reach coordinator who helps them navigate the college/university education system, as well as mentors and counsels them academically, personally and professionally.
- Many students also receive a financial refund, which may be used for school-related living and transportation expenses.
- Money management and financial literacy skills.
- Time Management and study skills.
- Students receive care packages from NC Reach during each school year.
What are the student’s responsibilities as a part of NC Reach?
The NC Reach Student Participation Agreement lists the student’s responsibilities as a recipient of the scholarship. Students should keep a copy of the agreement after they submit their signed copy to NC Reach.
Students must:
- Complete the enrollment and financial aid steps at their respective school.
- Demonstrate that they are making satisfactory progress toward their academic goal.
- Students must be eligible to receive the pell grant at their school.
- Students must pass at least 67% of their registered semester credits.
- Maintain a minimum GPA of 2.0.
- Stay in regular touch with NC Reach by telephone or email and respond to any NC Reach messages in a timely manner.
- Meet with their Coordinator in person each semester during their scheduled campus visit.
- Check and read their email at least once a week for any important messages.
- Submit new NC Reach forms each term (semester) in order to receive funding the following term.
- Ask their school to submit their official transcript to NC Reach at the end of each term they are funded by NC Reach.
- Update their application ANYTIME their personal information changes (phone number, email, address etc.)
- Contact their Coordinator immediately if there are ANY changes (withdrawals) to their enrollment after they have received NC Reach funding for the semester.
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